I am GRATEFUL for…
I am GRATEFUL for… the people, experiences and time I’ve had so far in this lifetime.
I am GRATEFUL for… the people who have hurt, teased and challenged me. These are opportunities for Growth.
I am GRATEFUL for the people whom I have hurt, teased and challenged. Whether you have continued or ended our walk together, our connection has taught me how my choices effect others beyond mySelf.
I am GRATEFUL for the AWARENESS of what I can and cannot control. My own beliefs and ways of being effect myself as well as others in profound ways, depending on a kaleidoscope of circumstance and perspective.
I am GRATEFUL for surrendering, letting go and detaching from external conditions a little more every day.
I am GRATEFUL to live in the present moment here and NOW without the worry, stress or justifications of my past.
I am GRATEFUL for my friends, family, nature, clean food, water and fabric for my body.
I am GRATEFUL for my vision and space of business and the ability to continue to serve others, more and more.
I am GRATEFUL for partnerships that are forging as we individually and collectively continue to ENHANCE ourselves and our world.
I am GRATEFUL to learn from and explore a variety of beliefs, practices and human experiences. This is how I learn to practice unconditional love.
I am GRATEFUL that I have not always practiced gratitude, forgiveness or radical acceptance of the things that I do not want, like or expect, for this is what allows me to awaken to a higher truth and presents ongoing opportunities to practice being authentically who I am.
What are you GRATEFUL for today? What have you learned and how have you grown over the past year? The past 5 years? The past 10?
How do you desire to enhance your life and our world today?
“A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.” ~Muhammad Ali