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Actual truth of experience contrasted by what is believed to be

Actual truth of experience contrasted by what is believed to be

Would you agree, that experiences are more material/valuable/important than the expectations/beliefs we carry of those current or projected future experiences? Yet, how often do we keep ourselves from actually experiencing love, peace, and happiness as a direct relation to the way we communicate energetically, thinking/feeling/behaving? This energetic communication reflects the subconscious beliefs of our current frequencies of being human. Their subconscious nature being in that we are unaware of our own truth and understanding of love. We are energy beings of form and formless awareness. This maybe described as Unconditional Love, Unity Consciousness, Oneness, Nonduality, The Collective, etc. The point I’m attempting to point to is, no matter the lineage of thought/behavior we evolve our true being when we awaken. Finding a higher truth than we were aware of before, by intentionally unifying that information within the behavioral action of now. We find peace when we stop living through others lives by their rules/traditions/expectations over their actual practicing of what is mentally projected. Stopping the rat race that continues the division between those who have societial control and those who have not, by stepping back into your central power. For we are one human race living on one planet and how we live affects all lives beyond our mental understanding.  Presence is necessary to truly experience truth of our own perception contrasted by the perspectives of others beyond our own ways of believing, behaving and being human.

Creating Intentionally A New ….

Creating Intentionally A New ….

December 31, 2021

To create an intentional “new” year – one that has never been experienced before – we surrender attachment to “Knowing.”  To practice Peace, we go beyond the conditional motions of Mental/Mind. We Awake to the Unity within our Be-ing in relation to all that “Is” here and now.  We cannot breathe without effecting all things. Be-ing conscious of our personal effect on all things allows us the option of living beyond mere Know-ledge. This conscious awareness, moment by moment, offers the possibility of living in the flow of Faith, trusting that, even as our own heart stops beating, lives go on.   #UnityMindset

The Cages We Create

December 14, 2021

It is said that if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes accepted as true. While repeating lies does not make them truth, the subconscious does not know the difference; once our lies are accepted as truth, those lies continue to program our beliefs. And mostly, those beliefs stem from our deepest fears. In effect, we perpetually program ourselves with fear. The life we intentionally create becomes the invisible cage that the ego fears to grow beyond, for then it must release the belief that it is in control. When life happens and we find ourselves beyond the cages we have known, it may seem we have hit “rock bottom.” Yet, only in this space of unknowing can we truly be free. The strongest foundation that we can build is built upon a foundation of vast, radical acceptance of many truths, not just the limited perspective of what we’ve been taught in this lifetime. What cages have you built? What would it be like to set yourself free?

The GOD Spark of Unity

The GOD Spark of Unity

November 1, 2021

How does the label of GOD create Unity in consciousness and energy? I have never cared much for specific labels as a way to identify my Self, but I used to identify myself as an Atheist because the religious lineages forced upon me as a child created such trauma – both to me personally, as well as in collective history. The strongest connection I felt was anger – I was angry at a man-made God who omnipotently chooses to give some such a seemingly easy pathway through life, while allowing others to struggle in poverty, hunger, addiction and dis-ease. It was only once I attempted to surrender my own life by bleeding out through cuts in my wrists that I was able to see beyond the veil of this external material reality. Since then, I have visited a place of profound spiritual awareness many ties while in the process of studying, learning and practicing many other spiritual practices, including Tantra, Buddhism, Shamanism, Indigenous traditions, as well as western sciences. I have gained an awareness that Consciousness itself stems from and is guided by the psychological aspect of life. The mental psyche organically connect with Source from which we may access flow between our highest mental principles and external actions in the world. So, I honor that the ways I choose to express my thoughts and feelings externally through my behaviors is an ongoing and intentional practice of presence – my actions and behaviors are the mental manifestation of the formless into form – and the same is true for you and all conscious beings. Science has shown us that our subconscious is faster than conscious awareness, which aptly illustrates the battle between the heart and the mind. As we unify the energies of heart and mind, we access creative flow…

What is EGO?

August 24, 2021

What is EGO?  EGO  prescribes to a belief that we, as humans have the power to control our Collective Nature.  EGO assumes that we are here to dictate over the lives of others.  What does it mean to FIGHT? We cannot fight effects without causing additional effects to fight. The Law of Attraction states “Like attracts Like.” Fighting attracts more Fighting. Peace attracts more Peace.LOVE is an acceptance that has the power to override EGO and FIGHT.  LOVE transforms what was into what is.   LOVE instigates GROWTH – the growth of what was into what is.  LOVE honors our actual BE-ing here in the present and offers the Freedom to trust in the unknown future. What is EGO?  EGO  prescribes to a belief that we, as humans have the power to control our Collective Nature.  EGO assumes that we are here to dictate over the lives of others.  What does it mean to FIGHT? We cannot fight effects without causing additional effects to fight. The Law of Attraction states “Like attracts Like.” Fighting attracts more Fighting. Peace attracts more Peace.LOVE is an acceptance that has the power to override EGO and FIGHT.  LOVE transforms what was into what is.   LOVE instigates GROWTH – the growth of what was into what is.  LOVE honors our actual BE-ing here in the present and offers the Freedom to trust in the unknown future.


Where is the Magic?

January 18, 2021

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe We could use some real magic in the world right now, right? And here’s the thing – we are all Magical.  What does Magic mean to you?  Does it mean to create something out of no-thing and witness it manifest into reality?  Haven’t each one of us done this in our own lives in some way at some time?   We are all Magicians We are all magicians, yet we dismiss, discount, disregard our own power. From early childhood on, we have been taught and conditioned to undermine our own magical abilities – but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.  Awareness of passed experiences and information has a way of containing our belief in“magic,” perpetuating self-imposed boundaries and limitation. Yet, magic happens within the unification of energetic polarities – as with all things in our universe, magic exists on a continuum from negative/destructive to neutral/peaceful to positive/constructive.  When we ask for what we want, sometimes, we get exactly what we ask for; sometimes what shows up is something else – turning out to be just what we need to humble the ego and help us see beyond what we’ve already seen – either way – magic.  Let the Magic Begin We must begin by intentionally focusing within, then expand to those closest to us; and as we become more and more willing to practice presence in any given moment, the more fully we are able to recognize and give thanks for our own powers of manifestation, moment by moment.  It begins as we take responsibility for actualizing our own thoughts and emotional energy.  If you truly believed, what would you do?  How do you wish to actualize the power of your…

I am GRATEFUL for…

I am GRATEFUL for…

November 13, 2020

I am GRATEFUL for… the people, experiences and time I’ve had so far in this lifetime.  I am GRATEFUL for… the people who have hurt, teased and challenged me. These are opportunities for Growth. I am GRATEFUL for the people whom I have hurt, teased and challenged. Whether you have continued or ended our walk together, our connection has taught me how my choices effect others beyond mySelf. I am GRATEFUL for the AWARENESS of what I can and cannot control. My own beliefs and ways of being effect myself as well as others in profound ways, depending on a kaleidoscope of circumstance and perspective.  I am GRATEFUL for surrendering, letting go and detaching from external conditions a little more every day. I am GRATEFUL to live in the present moment here and NOW without the worry, stress or justifications of my past. I am GRATEFUL for my friends, family, nature, clean food, water and fabric for my body.  I am GRATEFUL for my vision and space of business and the ability to continue to serve others, more and more.  I am GRATEFUL for partnerships that are forging as we individually and collectively continue to ENHANCE ourselves and our world. I am GRATEFUL to learn from and explore a variety of beliefs, practices and human experiences.  This is how I learn to practice unconditional love. I am GRATEFUL that I have not always practiced gratitude, forgiveness or radical acceptance of the things that I do not want, like or expect, for this is what allows me to awaken to a higher truth and presents ongoing opportunities to practice being authentically who I am.  What are you GRATEFUL for today? What have you learned and how have you grown over the past year? The past 5 years? The past 10?  How…

Healing a Conditioned Male

November 1, 2020

When I was growing up, I know I did what I could to get the approval I sought.  Looking back, I remember often being told I was wrong somehow… “You can do better”…. “Boys aren’t like that”…. “Don’t do THAT, Chris”….  And, after awhile, I began seeking to escape from the disparity of what I felt on the inside and the lack of acceptance on the out.  I became an actor playing a role. My character included aspects of how I believed I “should be” – ever attempting to maintain my Self, while also pleasing those I loved and those I provided service – personally, professionally, spiritually – even sexually.I became exceptionally good at acting out that conditioned script of how things should, could or would be if only I or something beyond me was different than how it was.   But how could it be? How can anything BE other than in this present – in this moment – NOW?  As a male on the planet, I tend to feel the external cultural expectations that have been consciously and unconsciously infused into my being. As humans, though, we carry both energies – both masculine and feminine – and with this awareness, we each must choose to consciously acknowledge our past as true from our own previous perspective, but not absolutely true now. The ways we relate to the stories of the past continue to maintain a similar frequency into the future.  As I choose to accept each step as a necessary moment of time to be present now – as I fully accept the past just as it is –  I am able to release the hangups, bang-ups and scars gained along the way and am more often able to glimpse into and experience the love, harmony and gratitude within.…

Chris Albaugh Quote on Unity Mindset

Unknown Beyond Belief

There are always UKNOWNS beyond our beliefs, beyond what we think we know and assume to be so.  How are we BE-ing? Are we simply reflecting what we already know? If so, how do we grow?  Given the mystery and vast potential for all we do not yet know, how will we challenge ourselves as individuals to integrate and utilize this time of “unwanted experience” to  grow as individuals and as a collective humanity? #knowledge#belief#being#growth#humanity#collective#consciousness#UnityMindset#unconditionallove

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