The GOD Spark of Unity
How does the label of GOD create Unity in consciousness and energy?
I have never cared much for specific labels as a way to identify my Self, but I used to identify myself as an Atheist because the religious lineages forced upon me as a child created such trauma – both to me personally, as well as in collective history. The strongest connection I felt was anger – I was angry at a man-made God who omnipotently chooses to give some such a seemingly easy pathway through life, while allowing others to struggle in poverty, hunger, addiction and dis-ease.
It was only once I attempted to surrender my own life by bleeding out through cuts in my wrists that I was able to see beyond the veil of this external material reality.
Since then, I have visited a place of profound spiritual awareness many ties while in the process of studying, learning and practicing many other spiritual practices, including Tantra, Buddhism, Shamanism, Indigenous traditions, as well as western sciences.
I have gained an awareness that Consciousness itself stems from and is guided by the psychological aspect of life. The mental psyche organically connect with Source from which we may access flow between our highest mental principles and external actions in the world. So, I honor that the ways I choose to express my thoughts and feelings externally through my behaviors is an ongoing and intentional practice of presence – my actions and behaviors are the mental manifestation of the formless into form – and the same is true for you and all conscious beings. Science has shown us that our subconscious is faster than conscious awareness, which aptly illustrates the battle between the heart and the mind. As we unify the energies of heart and mind, we access creative flow – we tap into our own Will and the power of Choice.
In my experience, a spark of Spirituality is the heart-mind cohesiveness of Consciousness, fluidly connecting the relation-ship between thoughts and actions. Spirituality Unifies All – and when we see all life as an extension of ourselves, we are called to treat all of life equally with love. As long as we remain slave to consumption and lulled into a commercial slumber, we are able to remain blind to the lasting destruction and cause of our own effects on our collective reality. Yet, it takes only a spark of God Spirit to Unify All – and when we see all life as an extension of ourselves, we are called to treat all of life equally with love. A great teacher in the practice of Spirituality is Acceptance – accepting all that is and all that is not, just as it is revealed, moment by moment.
I respect and honor the higher powers of our collective and spiritual divinity on a cosmic level every day in new and inspiring ways. This allows me to be creative throughout the circumstances and challenges of how I want to be in relation with others beyond simply being in harmony with my Self. In the past, I would react to conditions in programmed, conditional ways, perpetuating old cycles of destructive habits. The longer I practice being spiritually response-able, responding vs. reacting, the more I experience freedom, moment by moment. Accessing such freedom has brought me into the role of healer which guides my choice to help others enhance their lives everyday.
We are all walking together in the time and space known as NOW – and, as I harmonize my own being in relations to you – and you harmonize your own being in relations to me – and we all consciously relate with ourselves and one another – so we create either Heaven or Hell here on Earth.