Would you agree, that experiences are more material/valuable/important than the expectations/beliefs we carry of those…
What is EGO?
What is EGO?
EGO prescribes to a belief that we, as humans have the power to control our Collective Nature.
EGO assumes that we are here to dictate over the lives of others.
What does it mean to FIGHT?
We cannot fight effects without causing additional effects to fight. The Law of Attraction states “Like attracts Like.”
Fighting attracts more Fighting.
Peace attracts more Peace.
LOVE is an acceptance that has the power to override EGO and FIGHT.
LOVE transforms what was into what is.
LOVE instigates GROWTH – the growth of what was into what is.
LOVE honors our actual BE-ing here in the present and offers the Freedom to trust in the unknown future.

What is EGO?
EGO prescribes to a belief that we, as humans have the power to control our Collective Nature.
EGO assumes that we are here to dictate over the lives of others.
What does it mean to FIGHT?
We cannot fight effects without causing additional effects to fight. The Law of Attraction states “Like attracts Like.”
Fighting attracts more Fighting.
Peace attracts more Peace.
LOVE is an acceptance that has the power to override EGO and FIGHT.
LOVE transforms what was into what is.
LOVE instigates GROWTH – the growth of what was into what is.
LOVE honors our actual BE-ing here in the present and offers the Freedom to trust in the unknown future.